Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Open Letter to Z

Dear Z.,

The more I think about it the more I think I may have hurt your feelings today on the circuit.

You asked me if I thought you were working out too much because your legs are getting bigger.  You are building muscle andyour jeans are getting tight.

My response to you was a bit brief, and may have hurt your feelings.  You work out hard.  You are in no way *obese*.  You may have put on a few pounds, but you are beautiful and You are worling on getting the weight off.

You do not want to lose your muscle for small legs.  My response "You are working hard on the circuit, now work harder on the fork."  hurt you.  I could see it in your eyes.  But I could also see that you knew I was right.

I think you are absolutely right.  You are not eating often enough.  I don't mean quantity, I mean timing good, healthy food.

You need to be eating every 3-4 hours, with proper macronutrient balance.

"Give me some ideas..."  you said.

"Boiled eggs and an apple."
"String cheese and some baby carrots."

"But they'll get warm in the car." you said.

"Pack a cooler."  I said.

I have been doing this for so long it has become a part of me.  I forget sometimes how hard it can be to get the kids ready for activities and remember to pack my food.

I forget how awkward it was when people looked at me and my cooler...while everyone at fast food or "something quick".

I forget how hard it can be explaining my choices with conviction to people who just didn't get it....who didn't share my goals....who felt convicted themselves or just didn't care.

I forgot, and I am sorry BUT......

I wish I had someone all that time ago who wasn't afraid to tell me the truth; who could show me how to finally end the battle of the bulge (even if yours is a tiny one!). I wish I had someone there for me every step of the way to encourage me, challenge me and compel me to see my goals met.

I lost my parents to lifestyle diseases when I was young.  I still haven't gotten over that. It is part of my mission to strengthen women so that they can have long, healthy, happy lives with all they love.

Time is too short to walk on eggshells.  You have children that need you.  Your body fat % is putting you at risk for Alzheimers, breast cancer, heart disease.  

I care about you, and so when you ask me a question you are going to get a straight answer.  I can beat around the bush to spare your feelings, or I can be painfully honest and help spare your life.

See you in the circuit.

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