Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Open Letter to Z

Dear Z.,

The more I think about it the more I think I may have hurt your feelings today on the circuit.

You asked me if I thought you were working out too much because your legs are getting bigger.  You are building muscle andyour jeans are getting tight.

My response to you was a bit brief, and may have hurt your feelings.  You work out hard.  You are in no way *obese*.  You may have put on a few pounds, but you are beautiful and You are worling on getting the weight off.

You do not want to lose your muscle for small legs.  My response "You are working hard on the circuit, now work harder on the fork."  hurt you.  I could see it in your eyes.  But I could also see that you knew I was right.

I think you are absolutely right.  You are not eating often enough.  I don't mean quantity, I mean timing good, healthy food.

You need to be eating every 3-4 hours, with proper macronutrient balance.

"Give me some ideas..."  you said.

"Boiled eggs and an apple."
"String cheese and some baby carrots."

"But they'll get warm in the car." you said.

"Pack a cooler."  I said.

I have been doing this for so long it has become a part of me.  I forget sometimes how hard it can be to get the kids ready for activities and remember to pack my food.

I forget how awkward it was when people looked at me and my cooler...while everyone at fast food or "something quick".

I forget how hard it can be explaining my choices with conviction to people who just didn't get it....who didn't share my goals....who felt convicted themselves or just didn't care.

I forgot, and I am sorry BUT......

I wish I had someone all that time ago who wasn't afraid to tell me the truth; who could show me how to finally end the battle of the bulge (even if yours is a tiny one!). I wish I had someone there for me every step of the way to encourage me, challenge me and compel me to see my goals met.

I lost my parents to lifestyle diseases when I was young.  I still haven't gotten over that. It is part of my mission to strengthen women so that they can have long, healthy, happy lives with all they love.

Time is too short to walk on eggshells.  You have children that need you.  Your body fat % is putting you at risk for Alzheimers, breast cancer, heart disease.  

I care about you, and so when you ask me a question you are going to get a straight answer.  I can beat around the bush to spare your feelings, or I can be painfully honest and help spare your life.

See you in the circuit.

Circuit Rant

I am a bit irritable.

Let's blame it on PMS and leave it at that.

Today's rant is about that(those) member(s) who feel it's their job to be the Circuit Police.

It is an issue between members and between members and circuit coaches.

You know who they are.
They monitor YOUR workout.
They don't say much until the end of their workout or your workout.

But when they do:

"Aren't you done yet?"
"Did you skip some machines?"
"How many times are you going around?"
"How many times a week do you workout?"
"What do you do when you aren't at Curves?  You must be doing something else..."

I don't workout on my shift anymore, unless it is at 6am.  My workouts are intense, so I can't jump off and answer the phone without sounding like a heavy breather.  

I can't greet walk-ins without sweat dripping down my face.

I can't address member issues in that condition.

Oh, and my heart doesn't like going from 80% to an immediate stop to fill out a travel pass.

My workouts are EXTREMELY important to me, so I workout before or after my shift.

It is MY time.

Recently, I quit going.  I wasn't "allowed" to get my workout it because of the Circuit Police.  I don't mind a little bit of chit-chat, but the questions about what I was doing were irritating.  I was on the circuit!!  I do the same thing everyone else on the circuit does!  The only thing different is the INTENSITY.  My goals are different from some and they must be respected.  Just like Mary Lou and Agnes who come in and talk about Bunco/Book Club/Basket Weaving, whose only goal is to maintain their fitness level and be social.  That is great. But THAT AIN'T ME.

I will say something on my shift as a Circuit Coach.  I will remind them to increase their effort, watch their form, chat on the recovery boards......

But when I am on the circuit working out, I worry about MY WORKOUT.  It is MY TIME.  The Circuit Coach on duty can answer any question, field any trouble, correct any poor form.  I am not looking at anyone's intensity.  I am working towards MY PERSONAL GOAL at that time.  I accept correction on the machines from the Circuit Coach on duty, and I allow her to use me as an example on form and intensity.  It's all good.....

But please.....on your way out, keep the comments encouraging.  Don't worry about why I do what I do on the circuit.  You can see the results.  Maybe I have a medical condition?  Lot's of the ladies do a WHOLE LOT LESS *because of a medical issue*.  Perhaps I push it because I have a "dr.s note" to do more?

I would like to thank these ladies for encouraging me on the circuit:


I love you all.  I am here for you. But PLEASE let your Circuit Coaches get their workouts in without criticism.  Okay?  And let OTHER MEMBERS worry about their workout.  You worry about yours.  Maybe Gertrude had to cut it short because her husband is sick.  Maybe Alice lost track of where she started because she is going through a divorce and has that on her mind and happened to go a couple of machines extra.  We are all on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS....sometimes we just do not need to know.

We are stronger TOGETHER.
Let's not pick each other apart.  That happens enough OUTSIDE the club.

See you in the circuit.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Protein: Make Mine a Double (White Chocolate Mocha)

Monday Morning.  5am.  Feeling every bit a Bloated Toad.

8 hours ago I ended what my brother and I call White Trash Cocktail Party.  We sit around one of our tables with a cheap bottle of wine, cheap cheese, saltine crackers, a variety of canned fish, etc. and discuss our woes.  Last night was different, however, as we actually celebrated a few things and added tomatoes, apples and sweet sugar pea pods to the table.

The fresh fruit and veggies did little to redeem us from the other stuff and here I sit.  Still stuffed.
This is NOT my brother, but it does actually look like my wine....

But I am prepared to hit Phase 1 with a vengeance today.  I have my big pot of beans cooked, fresh veggies and fruit and my Curves Protein Powder ready to go!

 I have the most success when i use protein powder, and Curves is the best tasting, especially when you use the recipes in our Weight and Fitness Book:

 Besides being super easy food, there are other reasons to use a high quality protein powder like Curves:

Whenever you're going on a  diet, one of the first issues that will become a growing concern is lean muscle mass loss. Since you will not be supplying enough calories to fully support all the energy needs required throughout the day, you're forcing your body to turn to stored body tissues for energy.
In the best case scenario this will come from your body fat tissue, and in the worst case scenario the body will tap into your muscle for energy. Typically on the average weight loss diet it's a mix of both. 

 One study that was conducted by the International Journal of Obesity observed that those who combined a high calcium intake over a twenty four hour period with a normal protein intake showed increased fecal fat and energy excretion for that day of approximately 350 kJ greater than those who either took in a low calcium, normal protein intake or those who consumed a high protein, high calcium intake.This study makes mention of the importance of total protein intake with this factor, stating that it appears as though moderate levels of protein create this effect with the calcium greater than very high protein intakes do.


Another very important benefit of  protein powder is the ability of it to help guard against colon cancer.
In a study performed out of Australia researchers investigated the anti-cancer activity of whey proteins and found that dairy proteins were superior to preventing colon cancer compared with other protein sources such as meat and soy.
This proves to be yet another reason why you should strongly consider adding casein protein to your daily intake.
When combined with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables you will put up the greatest fight towards warding off colon cancer. 

4.  Higher Quality of Protein

Finally, the last benefit you'll receive by introducing casein protein into your diet is that of it being one of the best high quality sources of protein available.
While meeting your minimum protein requirements is always top priority, if you're taking in high quality sources of protein to meet these requirements less will be excreted by the body and you'll need less overall to maintain lean muscle mass.
If you were taking in lower quality sources of protein and just meeting your recommended minimum requirements, this will negatively impact you because if not all of that protein is absorbed, you then will not actually be meeting those minimum requirements.
In one study published by the Journal of Nutrition researchers did note that casein protein is especially of a higher quality when compared to soy, making it an important source of protein to be getting. 

So I am off to get my shaker cup ready to go and head to work.  Feel free to peek at my food journal, I always have it with me.  If I know I may be asked on the spot to show it I will do better.  

Yes, even Circuit Coaches need to borrow motivation from a friend :-)

See you in the circuit!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Microwave Popcorn is the DEVIL


Who doesn't LOVE it?

Growing up it was a HUGE treat to see Mom shaking the Jiffy Pop over the gas flame.

Do you remember this stuff?
It was amazing. 
Can you still buy it? 
Who knows.

The Star of the Hour is not Jiffy Pop.  It is Microwave Popcorn.
Easy.  Cheap as dirt.  Hell, you don't even have to weary yourself by standing in front of the microwave to listen for the pop. Just hit the *popcorn* setting on the microwave while you grab your drink and stream Netflix.

I am trying to get back on Phase I.  Convention is right around the corner and our goal as Circuit Coaches was to lose 10 lbs beforehand.  This goal was presented back in March, so don't feel too bad for me.  I have been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs because  (here come the excuses):

*I haven't had time to plan meals and keep a food diary
(this is BS.  I have time mindlessly walk through the grocery store for an hour and a half tossing crap in the basket in the name of convenience)

*I am having a hard time getting to Curves.  (AGAIN BS!  I WORK there!!!)

*I am stressed over wedding plans, getting the kids back in a routine, blather, blah blah blah!

So anyway, I did VERY WELL yesterday.  Hit the circuit hard and had a GREAT food day...until the Witching Hour ......

HUGE fan.
We don't have cable, so we have been watching the series as the seasons end through Netflix.  We have spent the last three weeks rewatching seasons 1-5 so we won't be LOST during season 6.

Me: "You know what I want?"
Rick:  "What."

So as Rick was queuing Lost I grabbed the microwave popcorn.
That still small voice...whom I occassionally refer to as Buddy Jesus...said:

"Check out the calorie count on the Bad Dog.  Popcorn is a great carb exchange, but you are getting alot more than popcorn."

OMG (oh my God).

1 bag of "theater style" microwave popcorn has 170 calories per serving.  100 of those calories are from FAT.

Here is the kicker:  each BAG equals THREE SERVINGS!!!
So ONE BAG (and we always have our own bag, dontcha know) is 510 calories.  300 of those calories PURE FAT.

I popped Rick that crap...reluctantly.

But I wanted popcorn too!

Here is what I did:

1. Grabbed on brown paper lunch bag from the pantry.
2. Poured in about 1/2 c. popcorn kernels
3.  Folded eadge tightly a coule of times
4. tossed in microwave and hit *popcorn* setting

I'll be damned if it didn't work!
Other bloggers say you can actually rub some butter or margarine on the side *down* and get that buttery flavor.  I just sprayed mine with some olive oil (just a smidge) and salted profusely.

I sat there smugly, munching on my healthy revelation......a bag of microwave popcorn UNDER 100 calories...which more than justified the 300 cal "glass" of wine I had with it....



So Much More than Fast Fitness

I had actually deleted this blog.

It didn't feel like *me*.

It felt like a commercial.

I was biting my tongue.

Being careful.

I have written successful blogs before.  They were edgey.  They pissed people off.   They made people think.  They made people react.  

I liked that.

So I decided to *undelete* this blog and just write.  Not worry about who my audience is......because the writing will draw the moths to the flame.

Will this blog be a Curves Commercial?  Well, Curves is a HUGE part of my life, even though it is a part-time job.  I became a Personal Trainer because Wellness completely changed my life.  I wanted to help others do the same.  Curves just *happened* to me....Curves was a suprising fork in the road.....a turn that I have never regretted.  Curves is so much more than a Women's Fitness Facility.  It is a Circle of Learning, from the youngest member who is 12, to the oldest who is near 90.....and we all come together for 30 min., not only to work out muscles/bones/joints, but also our hearts and minds.   Whether it is loving and supporting a member whose husband suddenly passed away  or sympathizing with the Mom running herself ragged with carpool, we are all in it together.

*Sigh*....waxing poetic?  Naw, just coming off an amazing Saturday workout.  I was telling myself yesterday the whole time I was throwing on my workout clothes "I am not going today....I am having another cup of coffee.... I want to read.....I want to do anything BUT workout...."

I was still saying this as I hopped in my car....

Once I got on the circuit and the ladies start talking...sharing their trials and successes, I remember why I am there.  Not just for the workout. Feeling every bit the Quasi Moto, it is a sanctuary :-)

And so here we go.
Walking the Walk at Curves.
A commercial? Well, yeah.  Because we as women share information on the things we like and the things that work.  So I guess it will also be a commercial for egg whites, nightly walks and lunch with friends...laughing at things maybe we shouldn't and the disappearing pan of brownies.

Yeah, it happens.

So I am back, but it will be a different.  I may or may not change names to protect the innocent.  We'll see ;-)