Sunday, September 19, 2010

Microwave Popcorn is the DEVIL


Who doesn't LOVE it?

Growing up it was a HUGE treat to see Mom shaking the Jiffy Pop over the gas flame.

Do you remember this stuff?
It was amazing. 
Can you still buy it? 
Who knows.

The Star of the Hour is not Jiffy Pop.  It is Microwave Popcorn.
Easy.  Cheap as dirt.  Hell, you don't even have to weary yourself by standing in front of the microwave to listen for the pop. Just hit the *popcorn* setting on the microwave while you grab your drink and stream Netflix.

I am trying to get back on Phase I.  Convention is right around the corner and our goal as Circuit Coaches was to lose 10 lbs beforehand.  This goal was presented back in March, so don't feel too bad for me.  I have been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs because  (here come the excuses):

*I haven't had time to plan meals and keep a food diary
(this is BS.  I have time mindlessly walk through the grocery store for an hour and a half tossing crap in the basket in the name of convenience)

*I am having a hard time getting to Curves.  (AGAIN BS!  I WORK there!!!)

*I am stressed over wedding plans, getting the kids back in a routine, blather, blah blah blah!

So anyway, I did VERY WELL yesterday.  Hit the circuit hard and had a GREAT food day...until the Witching Hour ......

HUGE fan.
We don't have cable, so we have been watching the series as the seasons end through Netflix.  We have spent the last three weeks rewatching seasons 1-5 so we won't be LOST during season 6.

Me: "You know what I want?"
Rick:  "What."

So as Rick was queuing Lost I grabbed the microwave popcorn.
That still small voice...whom I occassionally refer to as Buddy Jesus...said:

"Check out the calorie count on the Bad Dog.  Popcorn is a great carb exchange, but you are getting alot more than popcorn."

OMG (oh my God).

1 bag of "theater style" microwave popcorn has 170 calories per serving.  100 of those calories are from FAT.

Here is the kicker:  each BAG equals THREE SERVINGS!!!
So ONE BAG (and we always have our own bag, dontcha know) is 510 calories.  300 of those calories PURE FAT.

I popped Rick that crap...reluctantly.

But I wanted popcorn too!

Here is what I did:

1. Grabbed on brown paper lunch bag from the pantry.
2. Poured in about 1/2 c. popcorn kernels
3.  Folded eadge tightly a coule of times
4. tossed in microwave and hit *popcorn* setting

I'll be damned if it didn't work!
Other bloggers say you can actually rub some butter or margarine on the side *down* and get that buttery flavor.  I just sprayed mine with some olive oil (just a smidge) and salted profusely.

I sat there smugly, munching on my healthy revelation......a bag of microwave popcorn UNDER 100 calories...which more than justified the 300 cal "glass" of wine I had with it....



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