Monday, May 3, 2010



"I never eat breakfast.  I'm just not hungry in the morning."

I hear this from members ALL OF THE TIME.  More often than not they are the gals struggling with their weight.

If you aren't hungry in the morning you are eating too much late in the day and probably not getting enough physical activity.

Today is Day 2 of Phase 1 for me.  I am glad I am doing this again, because I guess as trainers we sometimes forget how it feels.  By dinner time last night I was STARVING.  I felt like I wasn't going to be able to satiate my hunger.  This was after eating two meals and two snacks and taking a nice  walk with a friend from my house by the high school to WalMart to return Redbox movies.  I felt like I couldn't make it through the rest of the day without  a HUGE bowl of spaghetti and meatballs I made for the kids....ugh!

This is where the self talk comes in, girls:

"You are gonna be fine.  Eat your meal slow and have some tea.  This feeling will pass."

"You've had a great day.  This is Phase 1.  The first day is the hardest. Push through...."

"You are gonna feel AMAZING in the morning...hold on!"

I stuck with program, the blood sugar balanced out (with the help of a whole bag of brussel sprouts with my meal....they are FREE veggies and I LOVE THEM) and I had a successful Day 1.

On to Day 2....

STARVING!  I wake well before my alarm in need of food!  "Ah!  THIS is hunger!"  ...and I have to admit, I want more than a protein shake today, so it is going to be 2 scrambled eggs, 2 corn tortillas, hot sauce and onions....

Here is today's menu:

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 2 tortillas, hot sauce, onions,lettuce, coffee
snack:  nonfat latte, tea
Lunch:  1.5 c. pinto beans, 4 corn tortillas, hot sauce, lettuce, onions
snack: 1/2 oz. walnuts, handful of baby carrots, tea
Dinner:  1.5 c. pinto beans, 4 corn tortillas, hot sauce, lettuce, onions, tea

I realize this probably looks boring to you.  I am repeating the same meal. It is not boring to me, though ;-)  These are some of my favorite foods and they make me feel AMAZING ;-) When I did my shopping this week I was so tired and rushed (it was a CRAZY WEEK) I didn't plan out a menu, I just grabbed a cart full of healthy foods:  beans, salad fixin's, whole wheat bread, fruits, brown rice, chicken breast, oatmeal and eggs.  I knew I could feed my family well with these items until I found the energy to plot out a real menu ;-)  Hopefully that will be today.

I have shared with some of you my disdain for cooking.  I love to keep it simple, so my family's menu will be coming from the Curves Fitness and Weight Management book.  Those recipes are amazing and my family loves them!

Oh, almost forgot about exercise!  I will be taking the Golden Hill walk with Rick this morning before he heads to work.  I will also hit the circuit around 2pm (CurvesSmart ENDURANCE) before I get Isabella from school, and then MOM'S TAXI is up and running AGAIN....

   Before I go, however, let me leave you with a bit of inspiration:

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