Sunday, May 9, 2010


Phase II
Day 1
Today is Mother's Day

I quit going to the cemetery on Mother's Day a couple of years ago.  It just made for a really bad day.  Memories of all the pain I caused my mom in my she didn't deserve the angst I threw at her A lot of people say that is normalI don't believe that.  My kids have hurt my feelings, have been typical teens, but they have never said a hurtful word to me....I am not my mom.  Maybe that's a good thing.

Yesterday was my blue day.  I cried with my twin, I cried with my oldest daughter, I gave the silent treatment to my husband. Ugh.
Feeling a bit better today.
That's a lie.
I am choosing to have a better day.  My oldest is taking me and two of the other three to Starbuck's for coffee and gab.  Then we are grabbing the hoops and finding a sunny patch of grass somewhere to practice hoop dancing.  I am letting the husband take the borrowed car (both of ours are dead) to work so that he can see his Mom, and I will spend the rest of the day relaxing at home, with nowhere to go...which will be a TREAT!!! of the personal stuff and on to Phase II today.  I will post my results of Phase I tomorrow after my weigh and measure in the club tomorrow :-)  Today my calories increase from 1200 to 1500....breakfast is a bit larger and so are the two snacks.  YEAY!  MORE FOOD!  
Exercise wise I will get plenty hooping with the girls :-)  About 200 cals. burned for every 30 min.  It's not running a marathon, but it does add up :-)  And the MOOD BOOST is really what I am looking for!!!

Have a great Mother's Day Everyone!

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