Saturday, May 1, 2010


What a great Weight Management Class we had today!  The ladies who participated are ready to start the Curves Weight Management 30 Day Cycle on Monday.  We are really excited!

What was even MORE exciting was that I kinda took the kid gloves off and got serious with them about goals and what they really wanted achieve.  They were receptive, and that is encouraging:-)  NO EXCUSES, just SOLUTIONS!

I told the ladies not to hesitate to call me or the other girls on staff.  We are all going to be Walking the Walk!  Believe it or not, we need the members as much as they need is an accountability is a Curves thing!  They go AWOL, we give them a call.  We have struggles and someone always encourages us and motivates us to keep on.  It truly is a sisterhood!

Monday is Day 1 of Phase 1.  I will be posting my Weigh and Measure results, my Goal Sheet and my Commitment Card here...I will be scheduling weekly meetings with Krissy to assess my goals and hold my feet to the fire!  I will even have her take me through a refresher workout to correct my form is need be and to push me if I start slacking....even TRAINERS need a watchful eye ;-)
Dani and Krissy...two of my fav girls!

 I was so inspired today that after class I took a long walk with the kids.  It was fun :-)  The rest of the weekend will be spent on POSITIVE SELF TALK, MEAL PLANNING, and some VISUALIZATION ;-)

"What we love, and therefore honor, helps make us who we are now." - Joan Borysenko

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