Tuesday, May 25, 2010

That's what sleep feels like!!

Phase II
Day 17 

So yesterday I started my own personal *boot camp* . I did NOT workout before my shift, because whenever I make plans to get up earlier than usual I have a hard time sleeping the night before :-(  I did get my workout in when Krissy came into the club, and I totally busted it out with a CurvesSmart calorie count of 1055.  I am on the Endurance program, so you start at 100% and you go 100% until your last machine.  I was definitely feeling it!

After that I came home, had a cup of coffee with Rick, then we took the "Water Tower Walk".  That is up around Golden Hill Road, over to Rolling Hill...around Von's and Planet Fitness.  I was so spent after my CurvesSmart workout, I didn't really push the walk like I usually do, but it was great....so great, in fact, I crashed on the sofa shortly after I got home.  

This was actually a bit scary....I suffer insomnia, so it is very seldom I knock out like that....and I was KNOCKED OUT!

Later in the afternoon while Isabella was doing homework, Nathaniel was at Martial Arts and Rick was making dinner I practiced my hoop :-)  I think I go in at least 30 min. of that...I have so much fun I don't usually watch the clock...

So I was very active yesterday and I feel it today.  Not sore, but invigorated!  And that water retention I am experiencing due to my cycle is less :-)

Activity is only PART of the equation, however.  I remained true to my Phase II calories, so I am on track nutritionally as well...yeay :-)

The goal today is NOT to nap before bedtime...FINGERS CROSSED!  I will probably do a cardio dvd at home since this is my non-Curves day, and that 30 min extra activity is crucial.  I'd take a walk, but we might be getting rain...we'll see...

....and of course, the hoop ;-)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Revisit Boot Camp?

Phase II
Day 15
Sunday is CHORE day here....

So I am in my bedroom *decluttering* when I come across my Curves Boot Camp Results....
I was (am) so pleased with my results!  EVERYONE who participated in our Boot Camp saw awesome results!  I tweaked the program that was sent out by Curves, International.  The way it was designed by corporate was a bit boring, and did not even REMOTELY resemble a *boot camp*It had the usual and expected "3xs a Week" workouts,  "Bring a Friend", etc....we wanted to do MORE...

We incorporated the new and improved Weight Management program.  It is awesome!  We also incorporated the "+30" activity....30 min addition activity throughout the day...this is prescribed in our Weight Management Program ;-)  Here is what OUR boot camp looked like on the calendar:

 Pretty intense, huh?
All of the activities on the calendar were MANDATORY.

So here I am looking at this, knowing what I need to do.
I have gained a couple of pounds on Phase II...this is typical.  Phase III will mean me maintaining that gain...also fine, because Phase III is a lot of fun ;-)  But after that, I really want to get my body fat down lower.  I hit that wall of 145 and stop...I just STOP.  I sabotage myself, I push the nutrition envelope, I zone out during my workouts....

I know I am there again :-(

Focus...I need FOCUS. 
I need another

The first thing I need to do is schedule a WEEKLY Weigh and Measure with Krissy.  Krissy is good for me. She knows my goals and is brutally honest with me.  She knows I need that....she lives a healthy and active lifestyle herself.....I don't want someone to hold my hand and sympathize...I need someone to keep it real for me, and Krissy does that!

Next, I need to get SERIOUS about my food journal.  Journaling WORKS. PERIOD.  I also need to SHOW that journal to Krissy or a member at Curves who will hold me accountable....maybe Amy would do that for me?  She keeps the most accurate and honest food journal I have seen from a a member...

Then I need to schedule my workouts, workout with INTENSITY (meaning NO chit chat and NO INTERRUPTIONS), and get it DONE before it conflicts with the family's schedules....

This is a little trickier....if there was another Curves close, I would travel to a club I do not work at for my workouts.  This would ensure that I wouldn't be interrupted by staff or members.  That is not an option.....

I might try working out after hours....now THAT'S a joke!  I am exhausted by that time, and trying to have family time...so that is not an option, either.

My Schedule changes tomorrow:  I open EVERYDAY.  As it is I am up at 4:30 to get showered and ready, plus have a cup of coffee and read email, etc.

What to do?

I am going to workout BEFORE my shift starts.  How am I going to accomplish this?

Here is the plan:

TONIGHT: get everything ready:  coffee programmed, workout clothes laid out, work clothes packed in gym bag (I can't work in sweaty, stinky clothes...can I?), food prepared and ready to pack...get to bed at a decent hour.  I thought about showering, but I REALLY need a shower to wake up!

TOMORROW: up at 4:30am, quick shower, grab food, fill thermos at the club by 5am...workout and get changed and at least a 1/2 c coffee in me before I flip the CLOSED sign over to OPEN.

That's my uninterrupted Curves Workout Plan....

What about my +30's?

I gotta keep it interesting....and so I will be building my own Boot Camp Calendar for the next 12 weeks....stay tuned for that one ;-)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Phase II
Day 12

Beyond frustrated today.

My scale weight is UP SEVEN POUNDS from Phase I.

Granted, I am close to my period.
Granted, I have been eating pickles.
Granted, I am addicted to the Greek Pita sandwiches in the Weight Management book, which calls for olives.  Quite a few as a matter of fact.

SEVEN POUNDS?!?!?!  Good grief, that is the weight I lost on Phase I :-(
OOOOOOKAY.....so I feel good, the clothes are loose, I can see my bicep...all is well...this has got to be water retention...so to fix this I need to STAY AWAY  from the pickles and the olives, drink my water and MOVE....

I was so excited yesterday when the sun was out....I couldn't wait to get out in it for a long walk.  What did I do?  I came home and fell asleep :-(  Then I had to drive the kids to class at the Arts Foundation and the heat just zapped me....what I should've done was WALKED while they were in class....

Frustrated because I know what I did and did not do over the past week....

Ok, so my official weigh in day is Sunday morning.  Perhaps I can let go of some of this water before then....
OH, and I also have not been faithful to my food journal.

On a much brighter note I hit my 600 workouts this Monday :-)  YEAY!
 Tonight's Special Topic class is on Sleep and Weight Management.  I think I am going to miss it due to Isabella's Open House at school.  She is dancing and playing in the band, then on to the classroom to check out all the work they have done this year.  She really loves school.  I am so glad :-)

Ok, enough of my whining....off to get my game plan in order for today and the rest of the week....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Celebrating Friends

Phase II
Day 7
I am at the end of week one of Phase II.

I am feeling good :-)

My scale weight is UP 3.5 lbs......
Now PROFESSIONALLY and SCIENTIFICALLY I know why that is:  increase in carbohydrates and calories will result in some water weight.

My measurements are down.
My body fat % is down.

I know I am in a good place, but I am also a WOMAN.

We have been trained for so long to just look at the scale....
UGH!  I try to encourage myselfSometimes it works! Sometimes it doesn't....

This morning it DIDN'T....I had my breakfast, some coffee with Rick, then I headed up to Curves like I do every Saturday morning. 
A lot of our members DON'T go on Saturday.  I have to.  It is more my mental health day than anything.  Saturdays are when I can be "one of the girls", not the coach in the middle.  I love my job, but Saturdays are ME days...at the club anyway...

So I get there and the Saturday group is coming in....we get to chat and laugh and get caught up on what is happening.  But what really helped me today was seeing the ladies from the Weight Management Group.  They are seeing results and it is SO exciting!  My 3.5 lbs left my thoughts as I celebrated them...and in doing so I re-motivated myself!  
This journey is SO MUCH EASIER when you have people around you that share a common goal.  Not just those who SAY they want the same thing (but have no time to plan meals, workout time, etc) and then whine when they don't achieve it, but those who are making changes, both big and small to see their lives and health change. 

One of my favorite quotes is by Jillian Michael's of The Biggest Loser:

"Getting fit isn't about getting into a smaller size, it's about taking your power back."

I want her shoulders, by the way...

I know I have readers...cuz you are telling me...and commenting in person...but none of you are leaving comments, which is ok...been thinking about posting my BEFORE pics from 8 years ago.  Some of you know my history, some of you don't.  My story is posted at Stronger Together websiteWe'll see...I hate those pictures...LOL

So tomorrow starts week 2 of Phase II....I can't wait until Phase III...it is SO MUCH FUN!!!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Trigger Foods and Broken Scale

Phase II
Day 6

....cold cereal is a trigger food for me.....

It can be a whole grain, low fat cereal like Bran Flakes or the yumminess of Marshmallow Mateys...makes no difference to me.  Throw it in a trough with soy or almond milk and I can eat the whole box by myself.....this is NOT an exaggeration.

I discovered another trigger food for me.....Amy Baker's Fluff recipe that I posted last week....

While the recipe is perfectly *legal* on our weight management program, I can't stay our of it...a nibble here and a nibble there...*SIGH*...and what makes matters worse is I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO EATS IT HERE....so the sugar free jello, cool whip and cottage cheese will have to be removed from my shopping list.....

What I can control better is nonfat plain yogurt with a TBSP of sugar free Jello pudding powder stirred in....I have done pistachio, white chocolate and today chocolate...fabulous, sweet, but doesn't make me go running for more.  Perfectly satisfying without turning on the Sugar Monkey ;-)

In club we have a bit of a bummer.  The scale will noth old it's calibration :-(  The gals on the Weight Management program are a bit upset, but their measurements look GREAT!!!  Lynn said she'd be buying a new scale today, so YIPPEE!!!  

Rick got his car back from the mechanic last night.  I am so happy!  It is nice to at least have HIS car to drive until MINE is fixed....Rick's car has good energy.  I told him it felt good to have him around me in the car as I drove to work.  He totally knew what I meant ;-)  Hopefully my car will be fixed soon!

On the fitness front:  I am kickin' my Curves workout Old School right now.  I was working out 6 days a week as prescribed by the Muscel Size and Strength Program on CurvesSmart.  I have changed my program to Endurance and am back to every other day.  Endurance allows me to really push myself without hesitating me when my heart rate gets out of the general window.  My fitness level allows me to get into the purple for 6 weeks with no ill effects ;-)  So today I did some walking in the sunshine and will practice hoop dancing...total cardio and lots of fun ;-)  I taped another hoop today.....yellow and blue...looks cool!  I will be ordering mirror tape and gaffer tape soon to really bling them up...

Two moves I am working on this week are:  


Phase II
Day 6
A few days ago my back started hurting.  I didn't do anything different: falling asleep on the sofa, gardening, etc.  so by day 2 I was worried that it was my kidney.  My daughter took me to the dr. and the kidney was ruled out...I had pulled a muscle in my back.  I Was very relieved to hear it wasn't my kidneyI've had problems with my kidney before and I was worried.

So I pulled a muscle Hmmmm....

Needless to say I did not get a workout in on Wednesday I did just the opposite.  Once I got home I spent the afternoon sleeping. It felt good, but nothing got done.  As long as I keep the anti-inflammatory meds in me my back is fine.

Last night's Special Topic was Reading Food Labels.  Shocking.  I thought I was pretty good at reading labels, but I gotta admit I have fallen for the deceptive ads on the FRONT of the box without really looking at the nutritional labels. Everyone in class seems to be doing well on Phase IIThis is the first groups of ladies we have gotten to move on from Phase I and it is exciting :-)

Yesterday was a bit easier for me food wise.  I find if I keep my activity up, the little snack monster in my head stays away.  I got my workout in, walked home from work, and then walked to and from the meeting last night.  Every little step adds up!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Phase II
Day 4

Yesterday was rough, but I made it through.
No reason in particular, just a rough food day.  Didn't feel like I was getting enough.  I think I was bored.

Anyhow, I thought I would post my results for Phase I.  I did really well, but I always do on Phase I!  The hardest day is Day 1....it gets easier after that :-)

Inches Lost:  8.75
Total Pounds Lost: 5.6
Body Fat Pounds Lost: 2.31

I did jump on the scale this morning and I am UP 2 lbs.  This is TYPICAL.  With the increased calories and carbohydrates, there is water gain.  If you are true to the program this is not fat :-)

My new fav protein shake recipe is fromthe Curves Weight Management book: White Chocolate Mocha...it is great!

White Chocolate Mocha Protein Shake:

Blend 8 oz skim milk (soy,almond, dairy) with 2 scoops of the Curves Vanilla Protein Powder with 2 TBSP sugar free white chocoate pudding powder and 1/4 c. coffee. MMMM!

This would be extra special if blended with ice in the blender.  I was on the go so I just shook it in my Curves shaker...still fab!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pizza on Program!

 Phase II
Day 2

Eeeegads...I don't know what is wrong with me...I just can't seem to shake my blues away :-(

So yesterday was Mother's Day.  It was a fun day for me, really.  Met my oldest at Starbuck's for coffee (and a HUGE bouquet of Lillies) and then we took Isabella and her boom box up to the school for some hoop dance practice....we had a lot of fun :-)

I came home to discover my oldest son had purchased me a programmable coffee pot.  AWESOME!  I have not had one of those in YEARS ;-)  Rick and i are hard on coffee pots, so we resorted to perking coffee on the gas stove in a Coleman's Camp Coffee Pot.  Yeah, weird I know, but that is how we do things...and it is a great back up....

My son also called me from work and told me not to plan on dinner, which meant he was picking up pizza.  PIZZA!  My very favorite!!!  But I am on PROGRAM!  AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGH!!!

What to do.
Well, it was Mother's Day.
...and I cheated without actually cheating.....

On Phase III of the Weight Management Plan you CAN have pizza.  2 slices of veggie :-)  I slept in a bit yesterday and so I was off my normal eating schedule, which means my meals were later in the day than they usually are.  I had the 2 slices of veggie pizza and counted it as both my lunch and dinner meal option.  Unorthodox, yes, and I would NOT suggest it everyday.  It did, however, work for me yesterday He also bought me Diet Cherry Pepsi and I had some of that....needless to say this choice has left me slightly bloated from water retention....but I knew that would happen, and so I counteract that today by staying true to my workout, eating *clean* on program and DRINKING LOTS OF WATER :-)

This definitely is a program you can live with...forever!


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Phase II
Day 1
Today is Mother's Day

I quit going to the cemetery on Mother's Day a couple of years ago.  It just made for a really bad day.  Memories of all the pain I caused my mom in my teens...how she didn't deserve the angst I threw at her A lot of people say that is normalI don't believe that.  My kids have hurt my feelings, have been typical teens, but they have never said a hurtful word to me....I am not my mom.  Maybe that's a good thing.

Yesterday was my blue day.  I cried with my twin, I cried with my oldest daughter, I gave the silent treatment to my husband. Ugh.
Feeling a bit better today.
That's a lie.
I am choosing to have a better day.  My oldest is taking me and two of the other three to Starbuck's for coffee and gab.  Then we are grabbing the hoops and finding a sunny patch of grass somewhere to practice hoop dancing.  I am letting the husband take the borrowed car (both of ours are dead) to work so that he can see his Mom, and I will spend the rest of the day relaxing at home, with nowhere to go...which will be a TREAT!!!

Ok...off of the personal stuff and on to Phase II today.  I will post my results of Phase I tomorrow after my weigh and measure in the club tomorrow :-)  Today my calories increase from 1200 to 1500....breakfast is a bit larger and so are the two snacks.  YEAY!  MORE FOOD!  
Exercise wise I will get plenty hooping with the girls :-)  About 200 cals. burned for every 30 min.  It's not running a marathon, but it does add up :-)  And the MOOD BOOST is really what I am looking for!!!

Have a great Mother's Day Everyone!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

GOODBYE PHASE I..a recap on the past 7 days

 Phase 1
Day 7

I am not gonna lie.  I am in a pissy mood this morning.

was in a pissy mood last night and put myself to bed WAY early to spare the family.  It doesn't seem to have helped.  I am full blown into my cycle, so I know I am a bit emotional due to that, but I am making a concerted effort NOT to take it out on those around me...ugh!  Hence the early bedtime...

It doesn't to seem to have helped any :-(

I have had this *thing* planned for several weeks.  It took time and money I DO NOT HAVE.  Then, suddenly yesterday, all plans fell through and it is not happening.  I cried.  I ranted. I went to bed early.  Basically, I am inconsolable.  I will get to spend the afternoon with my oldest daughter/soon to be bride, but I am still out A LOT OF MONEY.  THIS is why I do very little *entertaining*...ok this wasn't entertaining, this was a workshop of sorts, but it was going to be super fun...ugh I am getting angry again...WHATEVER!  

On a brighter note:

Today is my last day on Phase I of this 30 Days of dieting.  I feel really good about this.  I think the only time I slipped was I had a handful of cold cereal in my hand at the pantry before Nathaniel, my 15 yo, yelled at me from the back of the house "GET OUT OF THE CEREAL!!"  It sounds funny, but I let them know which foods we have that will be a trigger and I ask them all to *be aware*....the only one who doesn't do this is my 11 yo Isabella.  She is so afraid I am depriving myself.  Isabella doesn't remember my *heavy* days...she was just a little one...but the rest of the kids DO and are more than happy to intervene my sneaky snacking....

My workouts have been great.  Next week I will hit my 600!  I am excited about that :-)  Last week I made my 3 times on the circuit, walked and/or hooped everyday for an extra 30 min. and as always, if you follow the plan, it will pay off :-) I will post my stats on tomorrows blog as I begin Phase II.....calories go up to 1500 and the weight loss WILL SLOW.....be prepared!

I hope to see you there!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Phase 1 Life Savers!

Phase 1
Day 6

Special Topic Class last night was great.  Clara talked about eating outMy jaw literally hit the floor when I heard that a there is over 500 calories in a half cup of Ranch dressing!!  I came home and did the math.  There is 140 calories in 2 TBSP...that is a serving.  So if you ar dipping fries or pizza or MOZARELLA STICKS in that it is 1120 calories for a half cup!  AMAZING!  We all love ranch!  I made a dip for my veggies yesterday that Krissy thought was ranch! Recipe will follow.....It's great...use it as a salad dressing too...count this as a dairy :-)

Clara asked us how we are getting through Phase 1 and if we had anything that was helping us get through it. 

Linda said she is drinking a lot of water.  This is great!  We need to stay hydrated! Marilyn kept us all in stitches and Clara on her toes by asking funny questions!  It was so much fun!  Amy and Kay took Margaret under their wing when she was having difficulty understanding the exchange tables...it really helps when so many are there to lend a helping hand.  Those ladies are great!  Stephanie is learning to modify meals she is making for her family while still staying true to the program.  She is seeing results and it shows!

Next week we will hear about the importance of reading Food Labels.  I can't wait to be with that group again....what a sisterhood we have at Curves!

On with the recipes....

My Nighttime Lifesaver:
I took about a cup of nonfat, sugar free plain yogurt and stirred in a TBSP of sugar free fat free butterscotch pudding powder.  It was great, and it killed my sweet tooth but kept me on track.  I counted it as my starch exchange for dinner.

My Mock Ranch Dressing
3/4 c nonfat sugar free PLAIN yogurt
salt to taste
garlic powder to taste
Dill seasoning ( I use Deliciously Dill Salt Free Blend by The Spice Hunter)
1 packet Sun Crystals
1 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar

Amy Baker's Fluff

1 large container fat free cottage cheese
1 container Sugar Free Cool Whip
1 box (any flavor) sugar free Jello Powder
1 small can crushed pineapple DRAINED DRY
1 small can mandarin oranges DRAINED DRY

Dump all ingredients in a bowl and beat until smooth. Refridgerate.  1 cup of this is a protein and such a small amount of fruit you can count it as a starch or not.  It is YUMMY

My Cheesecake Dessert

1 c. nonfat cottage cheese
2 TBSP Sugar free Fat free Jello Pudding powder Cheesecake flavor 
1 c frozen berries

Whip cottage cheese and pudding powder in food processor. Allow to set up in fridge for about 20 min.  Top with berries of your choice.  Counts as 1 proetin exchange and 1 fruit exchange.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEK!   It's almost time for me to open Curves, so I gotta run and have my coffee and breakfast.....HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Here are some recipes I promised you! Don't forget to eat those veggies!!!!  They fight disease and help you feel energetic, regular and LIGHT!

Easy Fridge Pickles

6 cups thinly sliced cucumber
2 cups thinly sliced onions
1 1/2 cups Splenda or Sun Crystals
1 1/2 cups cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon mustard seed
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1. Place cucumbers and onions in a large bowl; set aside. Combine remaining ingredients in a saucepan; bring to a boil. Cook and stir just until the sweetener is dissolved. Pour over cucumber mixture; cool. Cover tightly and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before serving.                                                                                                                                                                               

Mandarin Mixed Green Salad
2 cups torn mixed salad greens
1/2 cup mandarin oranges
1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
3 tablespoons orange juice
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon minced gingerroot
1 garlic clove, minced
1. Place greens on two serving plates; top with oranges and walnuts. In a blender, combine the vinaigrette ingredients; cover and process until blended. Drizzle over salads.

Cauliflower Soup


  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3/4 cup shredded carrots
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 head cauliflower, coarsely chopped
  • 6 cups chicken broth (fat free)
  • ground black pepper to taste


  1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, saute the celery, onion and carrot in olive oil for 5 minutes, or until onion is translucent. Remove from heat and set aside.
  2. Steam cauliflower in a colander over boiling water or in a steamer until tender. Mash.
  3. Add the mashed cauliflower to the vegetable mixture, return to stovetop over medium heat and add the chicken broth. Pepper to taste and simmer for 15 minutes or until soup is heated thoroughly.

ENJOY!  More to come LATER!

Surviving Cinco de Mayo

 Phase 1
Day 4

Another LOOOOOOOONG day.

Again I was awake before the alarm went of, and while I felt fine at the beginning of the day, by 2pm I was a ZOMBIEThis is my "week", so my fatigue makes since to me now...yeay..perimenopausal AND monthly cramping...God definitely has a sense of humor!

Jen came in early this morning for her workout.  This woman is AMAZING.  Not only does she care for her family and help her daughter with HER little girl, she is in school...I believe Psychology?  Jen if you are reading this, correct me if I am wrong:-)  As she was walking out she was telling me all she had to do...INCLUDING cooking for Cinco de May.....

The date had TOTALLY slipped my mind!  For years me and the family have celebrated.  It started as a cultural study while we were homeschooling EONS ago...we made a huge deal out of each foreign holiday we studied.  Cinco de Mayo was our favorite!  We would spend the day preparing: loading Mariachi music in the stereo, preparing our favorite Mexican dishes like enchiladas and tacos, making beautiful tissue paper flowers and paper lanterns!  We would invite family over to celebrate with us....

Our celebrations got smaller as the children got older, but they still looked forward to traditional "taco feed"....and the piece de reisitance?  

As busy as we've been, surely it had slipped their minds too....I sighed a breath of relief.  My cellphone chimed that I had a message: a text from my oldest from work "IT'S CINCO DE MAYO!!!  Enchiladas for dinner?"

Lord help me!
Believe it or not I pulled the menu together.  They had chimichangas...fried burritos (I do it in the oven with MINIMAL oil)

Believe it or not I was able to stay true to Phase 1!  I measured out my protein, warmed 4 corn tortillas over the flame on the stove and added a huge salad and salsa!  It was amazing and I did not feel deprived at all!  I DID want that ice cream, but I just told myself "There is ice cream in your future...you don't have to have it tonight and jeopardize Phase1!"  

It is possible to do this with ANY meal.  You don't have to make two separate dinners for you and your family.  Find a middle ground!  Increase the servings of your favorite Curves Recipe!  My family LOVES the Comfort Chili and the Greek Pitas!  
We can do this!

The Daily Stress

Day 4

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday because I had SO much to do....and by the time I had a minute I was thoroughly exhausted and needed to go to bed. I still feel like I need a nap!

My family life is busy and more stressful lately.  BOTH of our cars are not running.  Thank God for my friend Alice who has graciously loaned us her car!  But it is ONE car and I find myself literally driving non-stop from 2:30pm until almost 9 pm driving everyone to where they need to go and then to get Rick from work.  I am tired, stressed and feeling sorry for myself...WAAAA!

Needless to say these situations can really throw a wrench in diet plans if we let it!  Stress eating is HUGE, but if you plan you can get through it :-)

*Give yourself permission to feel stressed, but know there is a light at then end of the tunnel
*drink your water!
*carry free vegetables and your food with you if need be.  I have a small cooler I pack if I am gonna be out and about all day.  Much more convenient than a drive thru and the healthy choices keep my energy good.
*DO YOUR WORKOUT FIRST THING....even if it means you have to GET UP AT 6am!  Everyone has 24 hours in the day, put yourself first!  You will be glad you did!

So my stress level was SKY HIGH yesterday, but with the proper planning and motivation I was able to stick to the Curves Weight Management Program...I should really go to bed earlier, though...the mornings wouldn't be so hard!  I did make it to bed by 10:30 pm last night, but I really need to get in bed by 9 when I open Curves the next day.

That's it for now...iwill blog later with some great recipes for those free veggies ;-)

Monday, May 3, 2010



"I never eat breakfast.  I'm just not hungry in the morning."

I hear this from members ALL OF THE TIME.  More often than not they are the gals struggling with their weight.

If you aren't hungry in the morning you are eating too much late in the day and probably not getting enough physical activity.

Today is Day 2 of Phase 1 for me.  I am glad I am doing this again, because I guess as trainers we sometimes forget how it feels.  By dinner time last night I was STARVING.  I felt like I wasn't going to be able to satiate my hunger.  This was after eating two meals and two snacks and taking a nice  walk with a friend from my house by the high school to WalMart to return Redbox movies.  I felt like I couldn't make it through the rest of the day without  a HUGE bowl of spaghetti and meatballs I made for the kids....ugh!

This is where the self talk comes in, girls:

"You are gonna be fine.  Eat your meal slow and have some tea.  This feeling will pass."

"You've had a great day.  This is Phase 1.  The first day is the hardest. Push through...."

"You are gonna feel AMAZING in the morning...hold on!"

I stuck with program, the blood sugar balanced out (with the help of a whole bag of brussel sprouts with my meal....they are FREE veggies and I LOVE THEM) and I had a successful Day 1.

On to Day 2....

STARVING!  I wake well before my alarm in need of food!  "Ah!  THIS is hunger!"  ...and I have to admit, I want more than a protein shake today, so it is going to be 2 scrambled eggs, 2 corn tortillas, hot sauce and onions....

Here is today's menu:

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 2 tortillas, hot sauce, onions,lettuce, coffee
snack:  nonfat latte, tea
Lunch:  1.5 c. pinto beans, 4 corn tortillas, hot sauce, lettuce, onions
snack: 1/2 oz. walnuts, handful of baby carrots, tea
Dinner:  1.5 c. pinto beans, 4 corn tortillas, hot sauce, lettuce, onions, tea

I realize this probably looks boring to you.  I am repeating the same meal. It is not boring to me, though ;-)  These are some of my favorite foods and they make me feel AMAZING ;-) When I did my shopping this week I was so tired and rushed (it was a CRAZY WEEK) I didn't plan out a menu, I just grabbed a cart full of healthy foods:  beans, salad fixin's, whole wheat bread, fruits, brown rice, chicken breast, oatmeal and eggs.  I knew I could feed my family well with these items until I found the energy to plot out a real menu ;-)  Hopefully that will be today.

I have shared with some of you my disdain for cooking.  I love to keep it simple, so my family's menu will be coming from the Curves Fitness and Weight Management book.  Those recipes are amazing and my family loves them!

Oh, almost forgot about exercise!  I will be taking the Golden Hill walk with Rick this morning before he heads to work.  I will also hit the circuit around 2pm (CurvesSmart ENDURANCE) before I get Isabella from school, and then MOM'S TAXI is up and running AGAIN....

   Before I go, however, let me leave you with a bit of inspiration:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Borrowing Willpower/Motivation from a friend today


Yesterday at the Weight Management Meeting one of the members really inspired me with her determination, her ability to hear the straight talk, and her motivation to get started TODAY and not MONDAY.

Thank you Linda!  I have decided to go ahead and get started TODAY with you! .....you have INSPIRED ME to not wait, to get back on track immediately :-)

So what's on the menu today? 

Personally I like a protein shake first thing.  On the mornings I am up at 4:30 am I really just want that first cup of coffee...shakes are easy when you are in a brain fog!  They are also perfect on those rare occasions I get to sleep in (like today) and I am actually getting close to my snack time. It's just easy and super nutritious!

Yesterday I tried something new.  I slept in, but had the class to teach, so I measured out my Curves Protein Powder (Vanilla) and put it in my shaker cup with 2 TBSP of Lemon Jello.  After my workout and before my class I shook it all up with very cold water (no milk at the club) and it was really good!  Very refreshing and very spring like!  Sunshine in a shaker!  

Shaker Sunshine

2 scoops Curves Vanilla Protein Powder
2 TBSP Lemon Jello (1 TBSP if you use Sugar Free)
8 oz milk of your choice (dairy, soy, nut...or WATER...no excuses)

Shake until frothy and delicious :-) 
You can do this with ANY flavor...the possibilities are limitless!

I have beans left over, so I will be using those as my protein source today. So here is what my menu will look like:

Breakfast:  Curves Protein Shake (Shaker Sunshine again)
snack:  1/2 oz or walnuts (I always have walnuts in the freezer)
Lunch: 1.5 cups pinto beans, green salad w/balsamic vinegar, apple
snack:  1/2 oz walnuts
Dinner: 1.5 cups of beans, 4 corn tortillas, onions, tomatoes, lettuce (tostadas!  FOUR TOSTADAS!!!!) and LOTS of hot sauce ;-)  Serve cheese on the side for my family....do you think ANY of them will feel deprived?  NO WAY!

I also need to get my green tea brewing, because that counts as part of my 8 glasses of water for the day....and I need to get my 30 minute walk in.  Rick and I usually "do the water tower" before he heads to work....that is the paved walk up Golden Hill around to Rolling Hill and down to Creston...around Von's Shopping center...that walk usually takes us about 40 minutes and it is a workout!  Little hills and valleys all the way around that really gets the heart pumpin'!

 .....and if I get around to adding my latest passion to my fitness day, I'll let you know ;-)  Our member Cathy A. turned me onto it....lately this is what I use to chase the blues away.  This isn't me, by the way....: