Friday, May 14, 2010


Phase II
Day 6
A few days ago my back started hurting.  I didn't do anything different: falling asleep on the sofa, gardening, etc.  so by day 2 I was worried that it was my kidney.  My daughter took me to the dr. and the kidney was ruled out...I had pulled a muscle in my back.  I Was very relieved to hear it wasn't my kidneyI've had problems with my kidney before and I was worried.

So I pulled a muscle Hmmmm....

Needless to say I did not get a workout in on Wednesday I did just the opposite.  Once I got home I spent the afternoon sleeping. It felt good, but nothing got done.  As long as I keep the anti-inflammatory meds in me my back is fine.

Last night's Special Topic was Reading Food Labels.  Shocking.  I thought I was pretty good at reading labels, but I gotta admit I have fallen for the deceptive ads on the FRONT of the box without really looking at the nutritional labels. Everyone in class seems to be doing well on Phase IIThis is the first groups of ladies we have gotten to move on from Phase I and it is exciting :-)

Yesterday was a bit easier for me food wise.  I find if I keep my activity up, the little snack monster in my head stays away.  I got my workout in, walked home from work, and then walked to and from the meeting last night.  Every little step adds up!

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