Thursday, May 20, 2010


Phase II
Day 12

Beyond frustrated today.

My scale weight is UP SEVEN POUNDS from Phase I.

Granted, I am close to my period.
Granted, I have been eating pickles.
Granted, I am addicted to the Greek Pita sandwiches in the Weight Management book, which calls for olives.  Quite a few as a matter of fact.

SEVEN POUNDS?!?!?!  Good grief, that is the weight I lost on Phase I :-( I feel good, the clothes are loose, I can see my bicep...all is well...this has got to be water to fix this I need to STAY AWAY  from the pickles and the olives, drink my water and MOVE....

I was so excited yesterday when the sun was out....I couldn't wait to get out in it for a long walk.  What did I do?  I came home and fell asleep :-(  Then I had to drive the kids to class at the Arts Foundation and the heat just zapped me....what I should've done was WALKED while they were in class....

Frustrated because I know what I did and did not do over the past week....

Ok, so my official weigh in day is Sunday morning.  Perhaps I can let go of some of this water before then....
OH, and I also have not been faithful to my food journal.

On a much brighter note I hit my 600 workouts this Monday :-)  YEAY!
 Tonight's Special Topic class is on Sleep and Weight Management.  I think I am going to miss it due to Isabella's Open House at school.  She is dancing and playing in the band, then on to the classroom to check out all the work they have done this year.  She really loves school.  I am so glad :-)

Ok, enough of my to get my game plan in order for today and the rest of the week....

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